How much does it cost to live in Koh Samui?

How much does it cost to live in Koh Samui?

Like the rest of Thailand, Koh Samui features a lower cost of living than most Western countries. If you are interested in buying a property, check out our home buyer’s guide. For those looking to rent a house or condo, check out our available properties for rent!

Average costs of living for a single person living on Koh Samui start at:

  • 7,000 THB/month rent
  • 2,500 THB/month motorbike rental
  • 2,500 THB/month health insurance
  • 12,000 THB/month for food

Average costs of living for a family of 4 starts at:

  • 20,000 THB/month for 3-bedroom villa
  • 9,000 THB/month for car rental
  • 8,000 THB/month health insurance
  • 50,000 THB/month international school tuition for 2 children
  • 25,000 THB/month for food

For further information about the current costs of living on Koh Samui, check out Cost of Living in Koh Samui and The Island Life on Koh Samui.